JWA Webinar Series on “Leading Through Change and Uncertainty”Series #2: Exploring AI in the jewellery industry
JWA Webinar Series on “Leading Through Change and Uncertainty”Series #2: Exploring AI in the jewellery industry
Date :
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08:00 PM
09:00 PM
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Online Event

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Through a case study in the fashion industry, we explore how AI can be applied to enhance and transform the jewellery business, from forecasting trends to retailing.

Speaker & Moderator


Jeanne Lim

Jeanne Lim

Co-founder & CEO, beingAI Limited
Board Director, Hanson Robotics Limited

Jeanne is the Co-founder and CEO of beingAI, a transmedia AI company creating AI characters and stories that inspire and entertain us. She also founded Nama Institute, a not-for-profit organization creating contents and solutions to gamify the learning of wisdom.

Jeanne has more than 25 years of experience in marketing and technology. She is the board member and former CEO and CMO of Hanson Robotics, and the co-character lead and brand manager of Sophia the robot. She held Asia Pacific marketing leadership roles at Apple, Dell, Cisco, 3Com, and Danaher.

Jeanne has a Ph.D. in integrated and holistic health, an MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley.


Kent Wong

Kent Wong

Managing Director, Corporate and Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group

Mr. Wong Siu-Kee, Kent joined the Group in 1977, was appointed as Managing Director of the Company in July 2011 and re-designated as Managing Director, Corporate and HK, Macau & Overseas, of the Company in April 2021, being responsible for the Group’s overall corporate management and its development in Hong Kong, Macau and overseas. He is a member of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. Mr. Wong is also a director of certain subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Wong has diverse experience in business development as well as in operations and management. His far-reaching insight has been proven by the solid foundation built through the “Smart+ 2020” strategic framework he led to deliver exceptional customer experiences underpinned by commitments to innovation, technology and sustainability.


China Stone Co Ltd行政總裁(泰國)

於中國華中科技大學同濟醫學院取得碩士學位後,李崇杰於1990年在泰國展開其寶石貿易事業,並於1995年創立China Stone Co Ltd。今天,China Stone是憑藉其機械精密切割的天然寶石而馳名業界。 該企業擁有多項創新成就,包括於2003年其自家制定的成色分級標準面世;2015年推出自行研發的顏色分選機及具無線射頻辨識功能的庫存管理系統。毫無疑問,China Stone是業界先驅,一直透過運用最新科技,突破固有框架,追求卓越。

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JWA Webinar Series on “Leading Through Change and Uncertainty”Series #2: Exploring AI in the jewellery industry

JWA Webinar Series on “Leading Through Change and Uncertainty”Series #2: Exploring AI in the jewellery industry

287 287 people viewed this event.

Through a case study in the fashion industry, we explore how AI can be applied to enhance and transform the jewellery business, from forecasting trends to retailing.

Additional Details

Language - 英語(提供國語即時傳譯)


<h2><span style="color: #ba9765"><strong>主講嘉賓:</strong></span></h2> <p><img src="https://www.jwawards.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Jeanne-Lim-headshot.png" alt=" Jeanne Lim" width="200" height="200" /></p> <p><strong>Jeanne Lim</strong></p> <p><em>Co-founder & CEO, beingAI Limited</em><br /><em>Board Director, Hanson Robotics Limited</em></p> <p>Jeanne is the Co-founder and CEO of beingAI, a transmedia AI company creating AI characters and stories that inspire and entertain us. She also founded Nama Institute, a not-for-profit organization creating contents and solutions to gamify the learning of wisdom.</p> <p>Jeanne has more than 25 years of experience in marketing and technology. She is the board member and former CEO and CMO of Hanson Robotics, and the co-character lead and brand manager of Sophia the robot. She held Asia Pacific marketing leadership roles at Apple, Dell, Cisco, 3Com, and Danaher.</p> <p>Jeanne has a Ph.D. in integrated and holistic health, an MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley.</p> <h2><span style="color: #ba9765"><strong>講者:</strong></span></h2> <p><img src="https://www.jwawards.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/CTF-Managing-Director_Mr-Kent-Wong-scaled.jpg" alt="Kent Wong" width="200" height="200" /></p> <p><strong><b>Kent Wong</b></strong></p> <p><em>Managing Director, Corporate and Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group</em></p> <p>Mr. Wong Siu-Kee, Kent joined the Group in 1977, was appointed as Managing Director of the Company in July 2011 and re-designated as Managing Director, Corporate and HK, Macau & Overseas, of the Company in April 2021, being responsible for the Group’s overall corporate management and its development in Hong Kong, Macau and overseas. He is a member of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. Mr. Wong is also a director of certain subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Wong has diverse experience in business development as well as in operations and management. His far-reaching insight has been proven by the solid foundation built through the “Smart+ 2020” strategic framework he led to deliver exceptional customer experiences underpinned by commitments to innovation, technology and sustainability.</p> <p><img src="https://www.jwawards.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/CS_JNA_requested_images_206x275mm_July_2019_CMYK_19-scaled.jpg" width="200" height="200" /></p> <p><strong><b>李崇杰先生</b></strong></p> <p><em>China Stone Co Ltd行政總裁(泰國)</em></p> <p>於中國華中科技大學同濟醫學院取得碩士學位後,李崇杰於1990年在泰國展開其寶石貿易事業,並於1995年創立China Stone Co Ltd。今天,China Stone是憑藉其機械精密切割的天然寶石而馳名業界。 該企業擁有多項創新成就,包括於2003年其自家制定的成色分級標準面世;2015年推出自行研發的顏色分選機及具無線射頻辨識功能的庫存管理系統。毫無疑問,China Stone是業界先驅,一直透過運用最新科技,突破固有框架,追求卓越。</p>

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2021-12-07 @ 08:00 PM to
2021-12-07 @ 09:00 PM

Registration End Date



Online event

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